Pundri (Haryana)


Arts & Commerce


Associate Professor

  • M. Com.
  • M. Phil
  • Ph.D.
  • 1. Cleared State Level Eligibility Test for Lectureship in the year 1995 conducted by Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra accredited by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.

  • 2. Cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship conducted by National Educational Testing Bureau accredited by University Grants Commission, New Delhi in the year 2013.

1. Awarded Roll of Honour on Account of participating as contingent commander of the TSC team of NCC directorate Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh in THAL SAINIK CAMPAT DELHI from 2nd Sept. to 13 Sept. 2011.

2. Awarded Appreciation Certificate in the year 2016 for the absolutely outstanding job done for achieving the “BEST DIRECTORATE AWARD” to PBHRHP&CHD Directorate amongst all the 17 directorates during National Integration Camp-II at Kozhikode (Kerla).

3. Awarded Appreciation Certificate in the year 2019 for the excellent work and dedication shown during all NCC activities including CATC-152 Camp at GIMT Kanipla in which I was detailed as Camp Adjutant.

4. Elected as member of the Court, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra for a period of two years w.e.f. 28.03.2015.

  • Completed Minor Research Project Sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi

  • Working as Associate NCC Officer of the College since 2005.

    Convener Extra-Curricular Committee.

    Convener Canteen Committee.

    Remained Bursar for a period of more than 7 years.

    Remained NSS Programme officer for a period of more than 2 years.

1. Presently working in DAV College Pundri, Kaithal from 14 January 1997.

2. Teaching Experience at DAV College Pundri, Kaithal from 08.11.1995 to 30 03.1996 and from August 1996 to 13 January 1997.

3. Teaching Experience at CIS KMV Fatehpur-Pundri from October 17,1994 to February 28, 1995.

1. Attended National Seminar on Indian Economy-Emerging Challenges in Globalised Regime held on 18th and 19th November 2006 at DAV College Pehowa and presented paper titled “Corporate Financial Practices: A Review of Existing Studies”.

2. Attended National Seminar on changing dimensions in Indian retail sector on 21st and 22nd February 2009 organized by DAV College Cheeka (Kaithal) and presented paper titled “Recent Trends in Retailing in India”.

3. Attended National Seminar on Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation Issues, Challenges and Prospects held on 5th and 6th October 2010 organised by D.A.V. (P.G.) College Karnal and presented paper titled “ Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to India- A Sector wise Analysis”.

4. Attended National Seminar on New Age Business: Changes, Challenges and Coping Strategies on 14th March 2012 Sponsored by Department of Higher Education, Haryana organised by Government College for Girls, Panchkula and presented paper titled “Financial Inclusion in India: An Overview”.

5. Attended National Seminar on Indian Financial Sector: Challenges and Opportunities on 2nd and 3rd March 2013 organised by Department of Commerce and Economics of Guru Nanak Khalsa College Karnal and presented paper titled “Growth of Advances and Deposits of Regional Rural Banks in India-An Appraisal”.

6. Attended National Seminar on Strategies for Business Excellence in Global Era on March 21, 2015, organised by University School of Management Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra (UGC financed) and presented paper titled “Marketing Strategies of Automobile Companies: A Study of Selected Firms”.

7. Attended International Conference on Engineering Technology, Science and Management Innovation on 17th September 2017 at The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Janakpuri, New Delhi and presented paper titled “Recent Trends of Technological Innovation in Indian Banking Industry”.

8. Attended Multi- Disciplinary National Seminar on Universal Brotherhood and Humanism sponsored by Indian Youth Red Cross Society, Haryana on February 27,2020 organised by Dyal Singh College, Karnal and presented paper titled “Red Cross Movements and Youth- An Appraisal”.

9. Attended National Conference on Current Trends in Business and Economics sponsored by Director General Higher Education, Haryana on 15-16 February,2020 organised by SD (PG) College Panipat and presented paper on “Growth of Insurance Business in India”.

10. Attended One Day National Seminar on Green Business Practices for Sustainable Development (Multi-Disciplinary) sponsored by Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana on February 5, 2020 organised by Department of Commerce of Government P.G. College for Women Sector-14, Panchkula and presented paper on “Sustainable Development Goals-An Analysis of Position of India”.

11. Attended Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Towards Moksha (Salvation) through Jnana (Knowledge), Karma (Action) and Bhakti (Devotion) with special reference to The Shrimad-Bhagvad Gita sponsored by Department of Higher Education, Haryana on 7th March 2020 by D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Karnal and presented paper on “Gita as Guide for Youth: An Analysis”.

12. Attended Two-Day National Conference on Contemporary Issues in Banking, Insurance & Financial Services Sector on 25th & 27th March 2021 organised by Institute of Management Studies (Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra) and presented papers on “Micro Insurance in India: Current Position and Future Outlook” & “Growth of Insurance Industry and Government of India’s Initiatives for wider Penetration of Insurance during Covid-19”.

13. Attended National Seminar on Pandemic and Future of Business on June 26,2021 organised by Department of Commerce and Management, Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt.in collaboration with Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana and presented paper titled “Deposits and Credits of Scheduled Commercial Banks Before and During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Indian Evidence”.

14. Attended National Seminar on Gender Sensitive Issues and Women Empowerment on February 25,2022 organised by Department of Commerce and Management and Gender Sensitization Cell, Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt.in collaboration with Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana and presented paper titled “ A Study of Women Empowerment Schemes in India”.

15. Attended One day online National Seminar on Women Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Growth on March 11,2022 organised by Women Cell Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt.in collaboration with Directorate of Higher Education, Haryana and presented paper titled “Women Entrepreneurship and Government Initiatives”.

16. Attended International Conference on The Pandemic and Financial landscape on September 30, 2021, at Online Zoom Platform organised by Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies (Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi) Maharaja Agrasen Chowk, Sector 22 Rohini, New Delhi and presented paper titled “Performance of State Bank of India and HDFC Bank: A Comparative Study”.

17. Attended Multidisciplinary National Conference on Digital Transformation in Education during COVID: Prospects and Challenges on February 23,2022 sponsored Higher Education Department, Haryana organised by S.D.(P.G.) College Panipat and presented paper titled “A Study of the Effect of Covid-19 on the Remittances of Payment Banks”.

18. Attended Two-Day Online International Conference on Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Global Business Environment on April 8-9, 2022, organised by Markanda National College Shahabad Markanda approved by Department of Higher Education, Haryana, India and presented a research paper titled “A Study of India’s Export and Import before and during Covid-19”.

19. Attended National Seminar on The Role of NSS in Making India Self Reliant on 16 July 2022 organised by National Service Scheme of Dyal Singh College Karnal in collaboration with Director General Higher Education, Haryana and presented paper titled “One District One product: An Initiative towards Atmanirbhar Bharat”.

20. Completed Online Certificate Course Cum Workshop of 10 days (32hours) on Designing Captivating Presentations with Power Point organised by Department of Computer Science and Application in Collaboration with Career Guidance Cell, Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt from 21st November 2021 to 30th November 2021 and awarded with A+ Grade.

Sr. No. Title of the Paper Details Authors
1 Impat of Covid 19 pandemic on forign Trade: A Study in Reference to India TSME Journal of Management Vol 10 No. 1&2 (2020) ISSN 2249-6092 Dr. Jitender Singh, Dr. Saloni Pawan Diwan and Dr. Rajesh Kumar
2 Performance of Micro Insurance in India International Journal of Management and Commerce Vol 8 Issue 5 May 2021 ISSN: (2348-9766) IF 5.564 Dr. Rajesh Kumar
3 An Empirical Study of Financial Management Practices in Service Industry in India International Journal of Research in IT & Management (IJRIM) Vol 2 Issue 2 ,Feb. 2012 ISSN: 2231-4334 Dr. B.S. Bodla and Dr. Rajesh Kumar
4 Impact of Holding Period on Risk and Return: A Study of Emerging stock Market Management Vistas Vol III(Part-I) January 2010 Prof. B. S. Bodla,Pooja Yadav and Rajesh Kumar
5 A Study of the Determinants of Capital structure Choice BVIMR Management Edge Vol 7 No.2 Jan-June 2014 ISSN No. 0976-0431 Rajesh Kumar and Prof. B. S. Bodla
6 Measuring Density and Penetration Level of Insurance Business in India Journal on Banking Financial Services and Insurance Research Vol. 11 Issue 3, March 2021 ISSN:(2231-4288) IF 6.596 Dr. Rajesh Kumar
7 Recent Trends of Technological Innovations in Indian Bankig Industry International Journal of Engineering Technology Scienc and Research (IJETSR) Vol. 4 Issue 9 Sept. 2017 ISSN 2394-3386 Dr. Rajesh Kumar
8 Financing Pattern of Small and Medium Size Companies in India: An Empirical Study TSME Journal of Management Vol 7 No. 1 (2017) ISSN 2249-6092 Prof. B. S. Bodla and Rajesh Kumar
9 Asset Quality of Selected Commercial Banks: An Analysis for Period from2014-15 to 2018-19 TSME Journal of Management Vol 9 No. 1&2 (2019) ISSN 2249-6092 Dr. Rajesh Kumar
10 Determinants of Capital Structre: A Case study of Food and Beverages Industry in India Vistas Management Vol. V No. 2 July- Dec. 2012 ISSN 0974-682X Dr. Rajesh Kumar and Amita
11 Determinations of Dividend Policy decisions in India: An Application of Lintner Model MERI- Journal of Management & IT Vol.2 No.1 Oct. 2008 ISSN 0974-2093 Prof. B. S. Bodla and Rajesh Kumar
12 A Study of the Determinants of Capital structure Choice SS International Journal of Business and Management Research (SSIJBMR) Internationally Indexed and Listed Referred E- Journal Vol. 1 Issue 3 (Sept. 2011) ISSN 2231-4970 Rajesh Kumar and Prof. BS Bodla
13 Dividend Practices in India: An Empirical study MAIMT - Journal of IT & Management Vol. 2 No. 1 May 2008- Oct. 2008 Rajesh Kumar
14 Emerging Pattern of Dividend in India since 1991 8 M The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy (JIMS) Vol. 14 No. 1 Jan-March 2009 ISSN No. 0973-9335 Prof. B. S. Bodla and Rajesh Kumar
15 Financial Inclusion in India: A Study of Progress of Banking Outlets and Basic Saving bank deposit Account Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management Vol. 12 Issue 7 July 2021 ISSN: (2229-4104) Impact Factor: 6.737 Dr. Rajesh Kumar
16 International Journal of Research in IT and Management (IJRIM) Vol. 11 Issue 9, Sept. 2021 ISSN(o): 2231-4334 ISSN(p): 2349-6517 Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management Vol. 12 Issue 7 July 2021 ISSN: (2229-4104) Impact Factor: 6.737 Dr. Rajesh Kumar
17 Trend of India’s Export and Import of Electronic Goods: A Study of recent decade comprising Covid-19 period ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research ISSN 2249-8826 ZIJBEMR, Vol. 11(12), December 2021. Dr. Rajesh Kumar