Assistant Professor of English
09 Years Teaching Experience.
Co-Convener of International Seminar on “Guru Nanak Vaani Ke Vividh Aayam” organized at D.A.V. College, Pundri on March 4, 2020.
Paper titled “Inception of Indian English Poetry: Fiction and Cinema” published in International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews”in 2022.
Paper titled “Search for Harmony in Divakaruni’s Novels” published in International Research Journal of Humanities, Language and Literature in 2021.
3. Paper titled “Ambivalent Power and Subjugation: A Study of The Emperor jones” published in Chintan Research Journal in 2020. .
Paper titled “Consequential Violence in The Pope’s Wedding” published in Pramana Research Journal in 2019.
Paper titled “Self-deceiving Blanche: A Study of Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire” published in Chintan Research Journal in 2018.
Paper titled “Language and National Identity in Jhumpa Lahiri’s In Other Words” published in Pramana Research Journal in 2017.
Paper titled “Anti-feminine Traits of Gauri in Lahiri’s The Lowland” published in International Research Journal of Humanities, Language and Literature in 2016.
Paper titled “Clash of Cultures: A Study of Chinua Achebe’s Novel Things Fall Apart” published in International Journal in Management and Social Sciences in 2015.
Paper titled “Deconstructive Nature of Pedagogy in Virginia Woolf with special reference to A Room Of One’s Own” published in International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Research in 2013.
Paper titled “Deterioratation of Self in Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned” published in Pramana Research Journal in 2013.
Paper titled “Conjugal Relationship in The Rainbow: A Study in Modern Perspective” published in Pragati’s English Journal in 2103
Paper titled “Self-Realization of Amory in Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise” published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Reserches in Allied Education in 2013.
Paper titled “‘Ashima’ Haunted by Two Separate Lives in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake” published in Chintan Research Journal in 2012.
Paper titled “Self-delusive freedom in Manju Kapur’s Difficult Daughters published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Reserches in Allied Education in 2012.
Paper titled “Racial and Personal Consciousness in O’Neill’s All God’s Chillun Got Wings” published in Research Drops in 2011.
Paper titled “Willy Loman in Bad-Faith: A study of Death of a Salesman” published in Journal of Advances and Scholarly Reserches in Allied Education in 2011.
Presented a paper titled “English – A Living Language” in March, 2009 at S.D. College, Ambala Cantt.
Presented a paper titled “‘Ashima’ Haunted by two separate lives in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake” in March, 2011 at D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Karnal.
Presented a paper titled “Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies: A Diasporic Study” in February, 2012 at KVA D.A.V. College, Karnal.
Presented a paper titled “Women’s Search for Freedom in Bondages: A Study of Manju Kapoor’s Difficult Daughters” in March, 2015 at BAR Janta College Kaul.
Presented a paper titled “Role of Language in Belongingness in Jhumpa Lahiri” on March 12, 2022 at SD College, Ambala Cantt.
American Drama
Study in M.Phil.: Tragic Suffering in Arthur Miller.
Study in Ph.D: The ‘Play’ of the Unconscious and the Conscious in Eugene O’Neill.
Participated in Five Day Workshop on Implementation of National Education Policy(NEP)- 2020 from June 13, 2022 to June 17, 2022 at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.