Assistant Professor In Political Science
Programme Officer, National Service Scheme 2014- 2018
Teacher Representative, Governing Body Since 2017.
8 Years Teaching Experience.
Co-Convener of International Seminar on “Guru Nanak Vaani Ke Vividh Aayam” organized at D.A.V. College, Pundri on March 4, 2020.
Research Paper titled “Lokeh n;kuUn ljLorh&fo”o esa vk;Z lekt dk izlkj” Published in GNITED MINDS Journal ,Vol VIII, Issue No. XVI, October-2014, ISSN 2230-7540.
Research Paper titled “ A Role of Jawahar Lal Nehru Modern India Published in GNITED MINDS Journal ,Vol X, Issue No. XIX, -July 2015, ISSN 2230-7540.
Paper Published on the topic “ orZeku le; esa usg: dh izklafxdrk” in Sanskar Chetna International Journal ,May-August 2016, ISSN 2347-4041 .
Research Paper titled “xka/khoknh fopkj/kkjk dh orZeku esa izklfxdrk” Published in International Journal of Arts & Education Research Vol 7/Issue 3 November-December 2018.
Paper Published titled “ efgyk Hkkjr esa efgykvksa dh lkekftd fLFkfr% efgyk l”kfDrdj.k ,oe vf/kdkj “ in Purva Mimaansa Vol 13, March 2022 ISSN 0976-237 UGC Approved Journal at SD College, Ambala Cantt.
Certificate of Appreciation for Noble Cause of HIV/AIDS awareness received from Haryana State Aids Control Society Panchkula on dated 1st Dec 2018.
Lecture Delivered as Resource Person on the topic “Environment Awareness during NSS Camp organized by CISKMV, Fatehpur-Pundri.
Paper Presented on the topic “Gandhi’s Thought and Contempory Society” in National Seminar “ Relevance of Gandhian Thought in Contemporary Society on March 26,2015.
Participated in Training Orientation Course for N.S.S. Programme Officer at DRC University of Science and Technology, Murthal.
Paper Presented on the topic “ orZeku le; esa iafMr tokgj yky usg: dh izklaxfdrk” in National Seminar “ Legacy of Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru on January 16,2016 at M.D.S.D College, Ambala City.
Paper Presented on the topic “Women Empowerment in 21st Century” in National Seminar “Status of Women in Ancient, Medieval and Modern India” on February 02,2016 at BAR Janta College, Kaul.
Paper Presented on the topic “Federalism of Regionalism: A study of Coalition of Political Parties in National Seminar “ Role of Regional Political Parties in the Coalition Governments” on February 27,2016 at DAV College, Pehowa.
Paper Presented on the topic “Caste, women’s Rights, Untouchability and Human Rights: Gandhi and Ambedkar” in National Seminar “ Role of Regional Political Parties in the Coalition Governments on March 6 & 7 2016 at Dyal Singh College Karnal.
.Paper Presented on the topic “A Role of Jawahar Lal Nehru: Modern India” in National Seminar “PT. Jawahar Lal Nehru and Indian Nationalism” on October 22,2016 at MDSD Girls College, Ambala City.
Paper Presented on the topic “ Role of Kashmir Issue in Indo-Pak Relation” in National Conference “Indo-Pak Relations After 1947 A.D.” on 11th-12th November ,2016 at DAV College, Cheeka (Kaithal).
Paper Presented on the topic “ Role of Election Representative Democracy in India” in National Seminar “Dynamics of Electoral Reforms and Democracy in India” on February 03,2017 at GMN (PG) College, Ambala Cantt.
Paper Presented on the topic “Federalism and Coalition Party System in Inida” in National Seminar “Changing Dimension of Indian Federalism” on October 30-31,2017 at DAV(PG) College, Karnal.
Participated in a Seminar on Financial Sector Reforms- The Future Agenda organized by the Department of Financial Studies, University of Delhi, South Campus in New Delhi on March 28, 1998.
Participated in an International Seminar on "Capital Market Challenges".
Participated in the "Seminar on Capital Market Beyond 2000" organized by the Hindu Institute of Management (Sonepat), in New Delhi on January 7, 1997.
Paper Presented on the topic “jk’Vªh; vkUnksyu% ljnkj Hkxr flag o egkRek xk¡/kh dh Hkwfedk ”in National Seminar “ Contemporary Relevance of Sardar Bhagat Singh” on January 31,2018 at GMN College, Ambala Cantt.
.Paper Presented on the topic “ Lokeh n;kuUn ljLorh&fo”o esa vk;Z lekt dk izlkj” in InterNational Seminar “fo”oiVy ij fgUnh] Hkkjrh; laLd`fr vkSj vk;Z&lekt% foLrkj ,oa lEHkkouk,a on February 24,2018 DAV College, Pundri.
Paper Presented on the topic “Coalition Government & Indian Federalism in National Seminar “ Federalism and Indian Politics” on February 15-16 Feb 2019 at DAV College, Pehowa.
Paper Presented on the topic “ efgyk l”kfDrdj.k ,oe iapk;rh jkt ” in National Seminar “ Panchayati Raj and Women Empowerment in India” on 9th March, 2019 at DAV (PG) College, Karnal.
Paper Presented on the topic “Kashmir Problems: Issue, Challenge and Opportunities” in Inter-Disciplinary National Seminar “ Kashmir Problem: The Way Forward” on March 16,2019 at RKSD (PG) College, Kaithal.
Paper Presented on the topic “ pfj= fuekZ.k esa vk;Z lekt dh Hkwfedk ” in National Seminar “jk’Vªh; lekt lq/kkj psruk ds fuekZ.k esa gfj;k.kk dh Hkwfedk on 24th January 2020 Arya Girls College, Ambala Cantt.
Paper Presented on the topic “ xq#ukud th ds jk’Vªoknh fopkj ” in Inter National Seminar “xq#ukud ds fofo/k vk;ke ”on 4th March 2020 at DAV College, Pundri.
Paper Presented on the topic “Gandhian Perspective of Non-Violence” in International Conference “ Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi” on 24- 25 February at MNS Govt. PG College, Bhiwani, Haryana.
Paper Presented on the topic “ Jhen~ Hkkxor xhrk dk egRo ” in International Conference on 4th March 2020 at DAV (PG) College, Karnal.
Paper Presented on the topic “ Covid-19 it’s impat on Indian Economy” Organized by Kishinchand Chellaram Law College Mumbai on 20th-21st May 2020.
21. Participated in National Webinar on “Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Cure in Ayureda organised by MNP(PG) College, Mullana(Ambala) on 27th May 2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “ Innovation and IPR organised by SD College, Ambala Cantt on 27th May 2020.
Paper Presented in International Webinar on topic “ Changing Dimension of education during COVID-19” in “ Psychosocial and Political Impact of Covid-19” organised by GMN College, Ambala Cantt on 29th May 2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “ Impact of Covid-19 on Public Administration” organised by Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya Udgir on 31st May 2020.
Paper Presented on the topic “ Impact of Covid-19 on Environmental Health “ in National Webinar on “ Environmental Perspective of Covid-19” organised by SD College, Ambala Cantt on 5th June 2020.
Participated in International Webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 on Human Health, Environmental Perspective, World Economy, Technology & Future of Education” organised by JCD Memorial (PG) College, Sirsa (Haryana) on 5th and 6th June 2020.
Paper Presented on the topic “ Political Ideas of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya in International webinar on “ The Relevance of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Ideas in Contemporary Global Scenario on 16th June 2020 at DAV (PG) College, Karnal.
Participated in National Webinar on “ Nation Builder Dr. B. R. Ambedkar & His Idea of Human Wellbeing” organised by SD College, Ambala Cantt on 18.06.2020.
Participated in International Webinar on “ Society, Civilization and Calamity: Past and Present organised by CDLU Sirsa on 19th June 2020.
Participated in 3rd International Webinar on “ Covid-19 Pandemic: War, Peace- building and Conflict Resolution & Anti-Extradition Bill Protest: Challenges and Implication for Hong-Kong-China Relations” organised by Karmashree Hiteswar Saika College on 26th June 2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “ The 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Ji” organised by DAV College, Abohar(PB) on 30th Sept 2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “ Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy in Present Scenario” organised by BAR Janta College, Kaul on November 22, 2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “ Preamble Constitutional Values and Fundamental Principals of Indian Constitution” organised by BLDE Associations on Nov 26,2020.
Participated in National Webinar on “ Thoughts of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on National Security” organised by Pankaj Arts & Science College, Chopda Dist. Jalgaon on 11th January 2021.
Participated in International Webinar on “ Crisis of Security Challenges: A Global Concern” Organised by Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Baramati (Pune) on 15th -16th January 2021.
Paper Presented on the topic “ The Gandhian concept of Gram Sawaraj and its Relevance” in National Seminar “ Contemporary Relevance of the Ideas of Mahatma Gandhi on 24th March 2022at DAV (PG) College, Karnal.
Paper Presented on the topic “ Language, Nation and minorities in India” in National Seminar “Vision of Independent India: An Evaluation of 75 Years of Experience on 11th & 12th June 2022 at RKSD (PG) College, Kaithal.
A Chapter” Kashmir Problem: Issued and Challenges” Published in Book titled “Politics in Kashmir: An Overview” PP-257 KK Publication, New Delhi 2022.